I had developed some allergies after moving to an area that had lots more trees and grass than I was use to. I kept getting sinus infections and all the fun symptoms such as headaches, post nasal drip, pressure, and congestion. After seeing my primary care doctor twice and two ENT’s they both concluded I had allergies and needed to begin allergy testing so that they can determine how much medicine to give me to help me manage the allergies. At this point I had already been through three rounds of antibiotics that didn’t clear me up completely. My sinus CT scan came out fine, a cyst was present, which was typical of allergies I was told. One day on TV I saw a commercial for a talk show that was upcoming and a guest physician talking about netti pots – one women exclaimed in the commercial that it was the only thing that every helped her manage her sinus issues. So I was intrigued and did research online. I purchased a cheap plastic nettipot from Walgreens and began using it. From that point on I started to feel better. I was doing netti pot twice a day. It was the only thing that really gave me relief that lasted. How come not one of the three doctors I saw recommend that I use the netti pot? It became clear to me that they are taught prescription drugs and surgery instead.
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